I/O TEST - Controller test! Press a button and it will show up as "ON" if it is pressed (or working).ĬOLOR TEST - Shows the color bar palette.
Left/Right: Increase/Decrease ID number by one. STEREO/MONAURAL: Switch between Stereo and Mono sound. Digits are from 11 - 5F, however, anything above 42 will freeze the game. Tests the music and sound effects in the game. L/R: Increase/Decrease ID number's hundreds digit. Up/Down: Increase/Decrease ID number's tens digit. Left/Right: Increase/Decrease ID number's ones digit. KAIWA TEST - A dialogue box test! You can view every bit of dialogue in the game, obviously. Cannot be brought back without switching maps. X: Removes the cursor, debug information, and some floors. A lack of numbers means you can move there in-game. Y: Collision Test(?), shows where your character can or cannot walk in the form of various numbers. D-Pad: Moves the cursor around the map. There is also debug information in the form of a map ID and X/Y coordinates. SCR TEST - A map test! You can move around any map in the game. Select - Flips the sprite horizontally. R - Hold and use the D-Pad to move the selected sprite. L - Hold and use the D-Pad to move around the selected map. The first sprite that shows up is highlighted with the A button. You can have up to 4! Select each sprite with the corresponding button to edit it. Y/B/X/A - Calls up a particular sprite. Left/Right: Increases/Decreases numbers. SEQ ADD: Address where the frame of animation is stored. POS Y: The Y position of the sprite on-screen. POS X: The X position of the sprite on-screen. MOVE: Automatically animates the shown sprite. BG NO: Select a map to use as a background. COUNTER: Related to animations, purpose currently unknown. PAT NO: Selects a frame of animation from the SEQ NO option. SEQ NO: Selects a particular action frame.
ID NO: Selects a character or enemy sprite.OBJ TEST - You can view every sprite in the game with this, even more than one at the same time. In all menus, Pressing L + R will bring you back to the main menu. Despite what it says, though, pressing Start + Select will not reset the game. Up and Down selects an option, and A chooses it. Use the Game Genie code E7FB-870F DDFB-876F 36FB-87AF to enable the debug menu.