Bridge the gap between gross anatomy and clinical practice with clinical correlations throughout. See structures the way they present in the anatomy lab with specially commissioned dissections, all done using freshly dissected cadavers prepared using low-alcohol fixative. No more confusion and peering at small, closely cropped pictures! Easily distinguish highlighted structures from the background in each dissection with the aid of digitally color-enhanced images. Learn as intuitively as possible with large, full-page photos for effortless comprehension. Get a clear understanding of surface, gross, and radiologic anatomy with a resource that’s great for use before, during, and after lab work, in preparation for examinations, and later on as a primer for clinical work. This medical textbook helps you master essential surface, gross, and radiologic anatomy concepts through high-quality photos, digital enhancements, and concise text introductions throughout. Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy uses over 500 incredibly well-executed and superb dissection photos and illustrations to guide you through all the key structures you’ll need to learn in your gross anatomy course.